Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mickey and Minnie Second Birthday Party

On Saturday we had Johanna's birthday party in PA. My whole family came and "Aunt Carrie" and "Uncle Justin" came to the party. Also, Lisa, Pete, Ci Ci and Livi (family friends came by). It was a great time! The weather was absolutely gorgeous, the best weather to date! Johanna got a lot of nice presents and we just had fun catching up with each other. The menu was Johanna's favorites foods which are hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans. And last but not least, cake! My mom and me made the Mickey and Minnie cakes, pretty good for our first time making cakes. Both cakes together
Mickey Cake

Minnie cake

Great Uncle Marty and Johanna

Nana's girl

Ci Ci, Johanna and Livi

Carrie and me

Mommy and Johanna opening presents

Great Pappy Wallace, Great Aunt Gayle (in the middle) and Great Grammy Wallace

Great Grammy Lucas and Johanna

Great Pappy Wallace, Great Grammy Lucas and Great Grammy Wallace

"Aunt Carrie" and Johanna

Cousin Sarah and Johanna

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Day

So on Easter here were some pictures of her in her dress, getting the Easter baskets, and just having fun in sunglasses....

We got her bubbles in her Easter basket...

Eating her shoe before church...

The best picture I could get of her dress

Happy Birthday Johanna..

Today April 16, 2009, Johanna turns two! I cannot believe that my little girl is two already. The time has really flown by. She is such a wonderful little girl and God has truly blessed our lives. I cannot even remember life without her. She brings joy to our lives each day and gives us something new to laugh about each moment we are with her. She is pure joy and it is so awesome to see the love she has for others. She is such a loving girl with such emotion. She puts her all into everything and always smiles. She is so pleasant and wants to be around people and have fun! She is a ham. I am so blessed to be her mother and cannot wait to continue to experience her as she grows up through the good and bad times. She has learned so much already and says so many words (too many to write). She is even up to saying some sentences. She knows what she wants and how to tell you. But at the sametime her smile, hugs, and kisses melt your heart. She grabs your attention and loves to have attention put on her. She is tall for her age and seems to not want to stop growing. She has started to potty train (which is awesome, have a long way to go but she is trying). My prayer for Johanna this year is just that she continues to just have fun, love, and be happy. Also, that she continues to learn new things and grow to understand love is from Jesus and that no matter what family will always be there for her and always love her. Hope she feels that no matter where she is.
2 years old....
1 year old...


Elmo Party

We had an Elmo party for Johanna up in New York over Easter weekend. This party was to celebrate Johanna's birthday with our New York family since they would not be able to make her party in PA. It was such a nice time and the cake was beautiful..

Great Aunt Jill and Johanna
Eating Cake again...

Still eating cake...

Her cake, is it not cool...

Easter Weekend...

This past weekend for Easter we went and spent a couple days at Shane's parent's house in New York. It was such a nice time, time to get away and relax. Also, to just catch up and spend time with family that we do not get to see much. It was very eventful. As you will see in the pictures we went to a Children's museum (where Johanna loved elmo's world), we rode on a train, a carousel while visiting the museum. Johanna said "I want to ride that", when we were going to ride the train. I cannot believe she is talking in sentences! Then on saturday Johanna and Grammy Dee (Shane's mom) and I went to a breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Johanna won bubbles because she was one of the best dancers when the clown asked the kids to dance, it was awesome! Johanna loved the Easter Bunny and chased him around the restaurant wanting him to talk to her. I am glad she was not afraid of him. Also, on Saturday we had the first installment of her second birthday party. Then on Easter Sunday we put some eggs in the yard and Johanna found them (her first easter egg hunt), we went to church, hid easter baskets, and ate dinner. It was such a great time, enjoy the pictures!
Easter Bunny and Johanna...Note she is chasing after him..She loved him!

Mommy and her girl...

Easter Bunny!

Clown and Johanna

Beautiful girl

On the carousel, which she held on all byherself...

On the train with mommy

Grammy "Dee Dee" and Johanna waiting to ride the train

In Elmo's bed at the museum...

Looking at Dorthy at the Elmo's world part in the museum..Johanna loves Dorthy! Anytime you ask her to say hi Dorthy..She says hi Dorphy....It melts your heart!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Tradition..Coloring Eggs..

So my mom always colored eggs with me growing up, and I was so excited to start the tradition with Johanna this year. She really liked it and took the eggs out of the dye. It was quick but a lot of fun, looking forward to doing this each year. It brought back some good memories to me. She is growing up so fast and love seeing her try new things and build new memories. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Through God's eyes...

Last night Shane and I went to a third day concert and Brandon Heath opened for them along with Revive. But Bradon Heath really struck me with two of his songs in particular. The first one was "Give me the eyes". It was an awesome song about how we need to ask for God's eyes to view people. In order to unconditionally love people and not judge them we need to constantly ask for God's eyes (how he sees people). God always looks at people as magnificent and wonderful in his eyes even if they are not so pleasant on the outside or inside. He loves them just the way they are and he meets them there with his loving eyes. This song really convicted me to remember that no matter what people are like or look like, that my eyes could have an affect on their lives and I need to remember to have love in my eyes. People change people, people hurt people, and people love people just by showing another one's eyes. This really challanged me to remember that once glance could either encourage or discourage someone and I want to give someone love through my eyes. The other song was red sky is the video link to youtube...This song talked about how we need to love and show love no matter who it is, it is not our strength but through God's love we need to show other people love, even if we do not feel alright, we need to show others hope in and through our lives.

Beautiful Johanna

Tonight we went out and got icecream! Johanna did such a great job today, she listened well and even went poopy on the potty twice and peed once or twice. We wanted to just go out and have fun so we got icecream to celebrate Johanna doing so well. After we got some icecream Johanna wanted to ride on the horsey. We let her ride twice and she loved it! Smiled the whole time. After she was done riding we said we had to go, she bye to the horsey, "Bye horsey", and kissed it goodbye. She said "night" as we were walking away. These moments are precious and love that I can spend them with her.
