Our friend Lyndsay so graciously took Johanna's 18 month pictures at Legion Park. She did a great job! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful friend with such great talents! Even though Johanna did not want to look at the camera much, the pictures turned out great. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do. I cannot believe how big Johanna is getting. She is starting to look like a little girl and acting like one too:). She says many words such as kitty, duckie, mommy, nana, pappy, binkie, juice, anna, ci ci, no, uh oh, up, peese, "I poop", baby, where you go, ball, bear, shoes, book, boo, de de, and some other ones that I cannot think of. She also can point to all of her body parts and is able to take directions such as go throw this away for mommy, and she puts it in the garbage can. She is also sitting on the potty and saying "I poop" but still having a hard time getting her to go on a regular basis. She also is starting to understand more and verbalizes if she wants something or not. She also loves to color. She is growing up so fast and getting bigger and bigger every day. It is so much fun to interact with her now, hear her laugh and run around. She is such a loving little girl, she loves to give all of her friends hugs and loves to blow kisses to people. She has such a wonderful personality full of life and love.
Love the pics...they turned out great! Missing you guys a lot;o( So sad we don't get to talk much anymore! Love you all..give that little girls some kisses for me.
I love these new pictures, she gets prettier every time I see her. Love you
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